Job Code: 6510206
Training time: 3 years (6 semesters)
Forms of training: Formal
Admission form: Admission
Enrollment object: High school graduate or equivalent
Tuition: 18,700,000 VND/school year (10 months)
Job Code: 5510206
Training time: 2 years (4 semesters)
Forms of training: Formal
Admission form: Admission
Enrollment object: High school graduate or higher or equivalent
Tuition: Free tuition for students graduating from secondary school to continue to high school
Automotive technology includes specialized activities such as manufacturing, assembling, maintaining, servicing and repairing auto and auto parts, improving use efficiency. Automotive Technology profession is equipped with integrated knowledge of many different fields such as: machine building technology, automation, electricity – electronics, mechanics, etc. These are basic and necessary professional knowledge. so that graduates can apply good, good practice when embarking on work.
Training content
- Proper selection, proficient use, maintenance and preservation of tools and equipment for disassembly, assembly, measurement and inspection in the Automotive Technology industry.
- Diagnose, accurately and fully detect defects in auto parts and systems.
- Check for defects in sub-assemblies, parts and systems in cars.
- Set up the process of dismantling and assembling the details, parts and systems of the automobile.
- Prepare maintenance and repair procedures suitable for each technical fault and each type of automobile.
- Perform maintenance and repair work in accordance with procedures and regulations, ensuring requirements on technical standards and occupational safety.
- Organize and manage the maintenance and repair process corresponding to the level of training.
- Operate cars in accordance with the law, in accordance with technical requirements and ensure safety.
- Receiving and transferring new technologies in the automotive field.
Job position
- Working as a technician, assembly line leader, supervising the assembly process, monitoring the quality of automobiles… in automobile assembly facilities.
- production executives, technical supervisors.
- Service advisor, training junior technicians in maintenance facilities.
- Automotive repair technician, product quality check.
- Product distribution specialist in auto parts manufacturing facilities.
- Working in garages.
- Salesperson at auto salon.